It was an absolutely amazing moment in American history when President Obama gave his surprise statement and announced that Public Enemy #1 had been killed by American forces yesterday. Right now crowds are cheering in the streets the country over. My first thought was that Obama got the job done where Bush so obviously and painfully could not. My second thought was, let's see how the Republicans try to spin this in their favor, while refusing to acknowledge that this is a success that can be singularly attributed to Obama's direction and leadership. Minutes after that thought, a pundit on MSNBC noted how republican officials gave congratulations to former President Bush. They justified it by noting that he began the hunt for bin Laden. Well, so effing what! Obama got the job done. But it seems that most Republicans can be counted on to be divisive during a time where we need to come together as Americans more than ever. Of course, the terrorist threat to America isn't completely eradicated, but the international figurehead of anti-Americanism has been eradicated. I'm sure his death will have a deeply needed soothing effect on the national psyche. I am both proud to be American, and very proud of our Commander-in-Chief.
2012 is looking better than ever!
The Boogeyman is finally Dead.
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